ZoomDetails HydroyalENERGY, MATERIALSBy danielApril 26, 2024Develops membrane electrode assemblies for efficient hydrogen production
ZoomDetails ProligreenENERGY, MATERIALSBy danielNovember 5, 2023Makes high-quality lignin for a more biobased society
ZoomDetails CaplyzerENERGY, MATERIALSBy danielDecember 24, 2022Develops a new chemical water splitting technology for hydrogen production
ZoomDetails NovatronENERGYBy danielDecember 22, 2022Develops a new fusion reactor based on proprietary technology for plasma confinement
ZoomDetails Foil TechnologiesENERGY, TRANSPORTBy danielSeptember 21, 2022Develops electric hydrofoil propulsion systems for greener and smoother boating
ZoomDetails GreenelyCONSUMER, ENERGYBy danielMay 24, 2022Offers a smart electricity contract, in an app with full control over their electricity use.
ZoomDetails Stockholm Water TechnologyENERGY, MATERIALSBy danielMay 23, 2022Manufactures and sells products for purification of water for homes and industries.
ZoomDetails CellfionENERGY, MATERIALSBy adminMay 23, 2022Manufacturer of nano-cellulose membranes for electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices
ZoomDetails KlimatoDIGITAL, ENERGYBy danielMay 19, 2022HelpingĀ restaurants reduce climate impact from food by reporting the climate impact of food.