ZoomDetails ClingDIGITAL, EXITBy danielMay 27, 2021A software for sending proposals and signing agreements with prospective customers.
ZoomDetails Atlas AntibodiesEXIT, LIFE SCIENCEBy danielMay 27, 2021Offers antibodies and highly validated reagents that enable leading research in biology, pathology and medicine
ZoomDetails MetasolutionsDIGITAL, EXITBy danielMay 27, 2021Delivers software solutions for to publish open data, andcreate data portals
ZoomDetails FindifyDIGITAL, EXITBy danielMay 27, 2021Develops tools for personalized e-commerce such as search engines
ZoomDetails CellutechEXIT, MATERIALSBy danielMay 27, 2021Cellutech develops new cutting edge materials based on wood for example for use in packaging