Ny investering: SimulAir

KTH Holding has invested in SimulAir AB- a company co-founded by KTH students to address the growing problem with bed bug infestations. SimulAir has developed an innovative device that tricks bedbugs by mimicking human presence, effectively luring the bedbugs out of their hiding spots. This eliminates the need for human bait, allowing more efficient bedbug treatments.


Bedbug infestations continue to rise worldwide and are notoriously difficult to eliminate, often requiring a human presence to act as bait during pesticide treatments which can last up to eight weeks. The idea for SimulAir was born out of co-founder Maja Åstrand’s personal experience of having to act as human bait. Together with cofounder Siimon Lilja they started developing a machine that simulates human presence by emitting CO2 and heat, attracting bedbugs during treatment.

The SimulAir device eliminates the need for human bait, allowing for continuous and more efficient bedbug treatment, particularly in environments where human presence is not feasible. Hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, and landlords face significant challenges as they cannot always rely on human bait, leading to prolonged room downtimes or risking exposure to unsuspecting customers.

The SimulAir machine with co-founders Maja Åstrand, Simon Lilja and Sandra Vahdani (photo by Patrik Lundmark)

The machine also captures and classifies bedbug, providing data that provides real-time insights into the treatment’s progress, minimizing room downtimes and saving costs for affected businesses. SimulAir plans to sell and rent the machine to pest control companies, hotels, hospitals, and property management firms. SimulAir’s machine has undergone extensive lab and field testing and  the first pilot customer trials are currently being planned.


“With the support from KTH Holding, we will be able to take the first steps towards bringing our solution to the market. We believe our technology will contribute to a more sustainable treatment process against bed bugs, both mentally and environmentally. Our end-goal is to make sure that no one will be forced to rely on human bait for a successful treatment ever again” said Maja Åstrand, CEO of SimulAir.


“We are thrilled to support SimulAir in their mission to combat the global challenge of bedbug infestations,” said Daniel Carlsson, Investment Manager at KTH Holding. “This a large and growing market and this investment aligns with our goal of supporting student entrepreneurship at KTH”


About KTH Holding AB KTH Holding invests in early-stage start-up companies based on research or education at KTH. KTH Holding is part of the innovation ecosystem at KTH supporting commercialization via investments in companies and intellectual property rights. The aim is to make research, new ideas and knowledge from KTH generate a positive impact in society. The investment portfolio comprises more than 60 companies in many technology fields and development stages.



About SimulAir AB SimulAir is a Stockholm-based startup dedicated to developing advanced technologies for pest control. Their first flagship product, a device that simulates human presence to detect bedbugs, offers a revolutionary solution to a persistent global problem.

For more info: SimulAir

For inquiries, please contact: hello@simulair.co
